The future of energy transition supports the energy transition journey and promises consistent returns over time. Are you ready for the change? In his article for the Euro weekly magazine, Martin Pacovský, the Chief Investment Officer of the newly established ARETE Energy Transition strategy focused on investments in energy transition, renewables, power generation and storage solutions, explains how the investment approach within the energy transition landscape has evolved over the last 20 years.
In today’s world, building a next generation infrastructure, it’s no longer enough to just understand technology and the operation of power plants. With the rise of renewable energy sources and the growing importance of data, the requirements for professionals in this sector are fundamentally changing. ARETE investment perspective is aligned to the energy transition with a strong focus on producing predictable cash flows.
Building and operating a power plant is the easier part of investing in the energy transition. The more complex challenge is making high-quality investment decisions based on accurate predictions of price developments in energy markets, flexibility, and deviations, utilizing advanced mathematical models and data analysis.
In the ARETE Energy Tranisition strategy, we therefore incorporate rigorous predictions, and mathematical modeling to our analysis to ensure that our investment decisions are of the highest quality and efficiency. Today, it’s necessary to play on many chessboards simultaneously and have a comprehensive view of the infrastructure market.