On one hand, it is good to have cash, because it is the “king”, as it is popularly called, but on the other hand, the money in the account quickly loses value. In an interview with FAEI.cz, Lubor Svoboda, co-founder of the successful real estate fund Arete that focus on premium warehouses and logistics centers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, brings his relatively conservative view on investing, what he thinks about cryptocurrencies, gold and bonds and what future awaits investors in the industrial real estate segment.
The whole interview in CZ: https://faei.cz/investuji-do-hmotneho-s-vynosem-nad-inflaci-rika-uspesny-byznysmen-lubor-svoboda/?utm_source=www.seznam.cz&utm_medium=sekce-z-internetu#dop_ab_variant=0&dop_req_id=GB77jZOGAUu-202101180202&dop_source_zone_name=hpfeed.sznhp.box