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ARETE Group has implemented ESG strategy

The ARETE Investment Group considers responsible investing as one of its priorities. For this reason, we have successfully implemented an ESG strategy for the ARETE INDUSTRIAL fund. As a result, we have become one of the first so-called “light green” real estate funds in the Czech Republic.

Responsible and sustainable investment not only brings value to individual investors but also to society. We take pride in being one of the pioneers in the Czech capital market to introduce international standards.

“It is clear that capital appreciation can be achieved in a socially responsible manner. Therefore, our ARETE INDUSTRIAL investment fund evaluates not only financial but also social, environmental, and ethical factors in its investment decision-making process,” explains ARETE’s ESG Manager, Josef Novotný.

The implementation of the ESG strategy is just the beginning. We also aim to further develop and extend our sustainability policy in the future and potentially expand our criteria considered for the fund’s investments.

As a participant in the financial market, we are obliged to report under the European SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) directive whether and how we achieve or aim to achieve a sustainable policy. The ARETE INDUSTRIAL SICAV a.s. fund has chosen to support a sustainable finance policy as defined in Article 8 of the SFDR directive.

Taking a comprehensive view on ESG issues in the fund’s investment activities, we address all three letters of the ESG acronym. The letter “E,” representing Environment, involves assessing the impact of companies’ activities (primarily properties, in our case) on the environment. From ARETE Group’s perspective, this includes the use of renewable resources in the ARETE INDUSTRIAL fund’s real estate portfolio and taking active care for its surroundings.

We also focus on meeting social criteria represented by the letter “S” (Social) through collaboration with local stakeholders. For example, we contribute to local development by working with municipalities. The fund’s second pillar in the social area is the proportion of satisfied tenants with long-term lease agreements, as well as the evaluation and selection of tenants with business activities that are sustainable for the local region in the long-term.

The letter “G” (Governance) represents criteria for responsible company management. Our priorities in this area primarily involve full compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements, fair practices, and adherence to ethical standards reflected in the ARETE Group’s Code of Ethics.

The ARETE Group primarily supports sustainability in these areas:

  • We reduce energy demand and carbon footprint of our assets:
    • At least 80 % of the properties in the ARETE INDUSTRIAL fund portfolio must have BREEAM certification rating of “Very Good.”
    • We will install photovoltaic panels on all roofs within our property portfolio where technically feasible.
    • We commit to achieving zero use of electricity produced from fossil fuels by no later than the end of 2050.
    • We are committed to reducing direct greenhouse gas emissions and aim to achieve net-zero emissions by no later than the end of 2050.
  • We support biodiversity:
    • Within our group, we will continue our long-term collaboration with organizations that support biodiversity protection. Our support primarily involves providing financial contributions to their activities, cooperation, and consultation during new construction projects.
    • We have committed, as a group, to plant one tree for every 500 square meters of a newly built lettable area.
    • We support the protection of conversation areas and endangered wildlife species.
  • Water Resource Protection and Waste Management:
    • We have been working on waste reduction and recycling in the construction of buildings. At least 60% of waste from new construction projects will be designated for recycling.


  • We care for the health, safety, and well-being of employees and tenants:
    • We regularly ask our tenants and group employees about their satisfaction with their workplace environment. This includes lighting, air circulation and filtration, adequate breakout areas, and collaboration on monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions and other sustainability factors.
    • We commit to conducting an annual tenant and employee satisfaction survey.
    • We create sufficient breakout areas in all ARETE Group spaces.
    • Within the group, we promote long-term collaboration with tenants. For ARETE INDUSTRIAL, the fund’s goal is to enter into long term lease agreements for a period of five or more years and to maintain occupancy levels within the fund’s portfolio at a minimum of 90 %.
  • We support local communities:
    • We have been supporting local communities and nonprofitcorganizations. In the past year, we contributed one hundred thousand Czech crowns to the Olympie football club in Zdice. We also provided a financial grant of half a million Czech crowns to the town of Zdice for community development. Similarly, we supported the town of Rokycany and local associations with a total amount of one hundred and sixty thousand Czech crowns.
    • Our employees regularly participate in voluntary activities to support the environment, such as tree planting and waste cleanup.
    • We support charitable organizations, including the Czech Ski School of Amputees (CSSA), which assists individuals with lower limb amputations. We, also contributed to ALSA, Nedoklubko, and the Chance for Cancer Children Foundation through participation in charitable beach volleyball tournament.


  • We advocate ethical values in management and governance:
    • We commit to an ethical code and whistleblowing rules. We have established a policy for proper governance, and in the future, we will collaborate with suppliers who also adhere to the ARETE Group’s Code of Ethics. We regularly inform and train company employees on the above policies and rules, including the ESG strategy, its implementation, and the subsequent compliance with individual criteria.
  • We promote gender equality and ethical values:
    • As a group, we have consistently advocated and supported gender equality. We fill job positions primarily based on the assessment of candidates’ experience, skills, and abilities. The values and work habits of candidates, which must align with our corporate culture and ethical code, also play a role in selection. In terms of compensation, the group has implemented a fair and non-discriminatory remuneration policy to close gender pay gap.

Alica Koblovská

působí jako vedoucí právního oddělení skupiny ARETE a má více než desetiletí rozsáhlých právních zkušeností v oblasti podnikových financí, M&A a compliance. Dohlíží na veškerou právní agendu skupiny ARETE a působí jako strategický poradce, který dohlíží na dodržování předpisů u komplexních fondových struktur.

Alica zastávala významné právní funkce, včetně pozice generálního právního zástupce ve společnosti Bakala Capital, kde řídila právní záležitosti pro Zdenka Bakalu, přední family office. Předtím pracovala jako právník ve společnosti Kocián Šolc Balaštík v Praze.

Alica získala magisterský titul v oboru právo na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně s mezinárodní účastí na univerzitě Paul Cezanne.


Alica Koblovska

Serves as the Chief Legal Officer at ARETE, bringing over a decade of extensive legal expertise in corporate finance, M&A, and compliance. She oversees the entire legal agenda of ARETE and acts as a key strategic advisor, overseeing compliance for our complex fund structures.

Alica has held significant legal roles, including the position of General Counsel at Bakala Capital, where she managed legal affairs for Zdenek Bakala, a leading family office. Before this, she worked as a layer with Kocian Solc Balastik in Prague.

Alica holds a Master’s degree in Law from Masaryk University in Brno with international exposure at Paul Cezanne University.


Lubor Svoboda

Lubor má 25 let zkušeností s vedením realitních a private equity společností jako generální ředitel, s řízením úspěšných obchodních transakcí a právních restrukturalizací ve finančním a vysoce regulovaném prostředí. V posledních deseti letech se Lubor zaměřuje na správu fondů a strategické plánování. Vystudoval právo na Masarykově univerzitě v Brně a MBA na Prague International Business School.


Lubor Svoboda

Lubor has 25 years of experience leading real estate and private equity companies as a CEO, managing successful business transactions and legal restructurings in financial and highly regulated environments. Over the past ten years, Lubor has focused on fund management and strategic planning. He holds a Master’s degree in Law from Masaryk University in Brno and an MBA from the Prague International Business School.


Jiří Krol

člen dozorčí rady, má více než 20-letou praxe v řízením mezinárodních finančních institucí.

Martin Pacovsky

Is the Chief Investment Officer at ARETE for our energy transition strategy, with extensive experience in managing and developing energy assets, focused on advancing carbon-neutral strategies. With a strong track record in strategic planning and international market expansion, Martin has successfully led organizations through complex M&A processes, including guiding Pražská Plynárenská a.s. through the 2022 energy crisis as Chairman of the Board. His expertise encompasses risk management and stakeholder engagement.

Previously, Martin held senior roles at ČEZ Group, where he contributed significantly to renewable energy projects and international growth, such as overseeing the construction of Romania's largest onshore wind farm.

Martin holds an MSc from the University of Economics in Prague and an MBA from the Rochester Institute of Technology.


Martin Konecny

Serves as the company’s CFO, bringing a robust background in finance and economics, with extensive international experience. At ARETE, Martin is responsible for reporting and controlling on corporate and fund level for all entities in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

Martin has over 30 years of experience, and a proven track record in corporate finance, operations, M&A, and portfolio management. Before joining ARETE, Martin served as a Group Head of Risks and Operations at P3 Logistics Parks, a logistics real estate investment manager with more than 3 billion AuM. His career includes 4 years as Country CFO at Citi Czech Republic and 15 years at KPMG, overseeing audits and compliance investigations.

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Economics, Finance and Trade from the Prague University of Economics and Business as well as an Executive MBA from the University of Bristol.

Robert Ides

Robert Ides, spoluzakladatel, je řídícím partnerem Arete Group. V roce 2014 byl součástí zakládajícího týmu a má více než 25 let zkušeností v poradenství. Dohlíží na strategii společnosti, a to jak v oblasti nemovitostí, tak v kategoriích aktiv energetické infrastruktury. Pod jeho vedením společnost úspěšně prodala dva realitní fondy a svým klientům přinesla vynikající výnosy. Před založením společnosti zastával Robert několik vedoucích pozic se zaměřením na komplexní mezinárodní fúze, akvizice a strategické projekty. Mimo jiné působil ve výkonných funkcích ve společnostech AIG a Zurich Insurance Group.

Robert je zkušený M&A profesionál a studoval v Praze


Robert Ides

Robert Ides, Co-Founder, is the Managing Partner of Arete Group. He was part of the founding team in 2014 and has over 25 years of advisory experience. He oversees company strategy, both real estate and energy infrastructure asset classes. Under his leadership, the company has successfully divested two real estate funds, delivering outstanding returns to its clients. Prior to founding the company, Robert held several leadership positions focusing on complex international mergers, acquisitions, and strategic projects. Among others, he served in executive roles at AIG and Zurich Insurance Group.

Robert is an experienced M&A professional and studied in Prague.


Miroslav Barnas

je Chief Investment Officer ve společnosti ARETE pro naši realitní strategii. Sestavil tým investičního managementu a dohlíží na získávání obchodů, řízení investic a realizaci pro ARETE INDUSTRIAL FUND.

S více než 20 lety profesionálních zkušeností v oblasti komerčních a rezidenčních nemovitostí je Miroslav ostříleným manažerem se zkušenostmi v poradenství firemním klientům i soukromým osobám v oblasti investic, oceňování, leasingu, vyjednávání, výstavby a facility managementu komerčních nemovitostí v České republice a na Slovensku. Miroslav vedl velké transakce přesahující 1 miliardu eur. Mezi jeho vedoucí role patří generální ředitel a ředitel kapitálových trhů ve společnosti Jones Lang LaSalle.

Miroslav je profesionálem MRICS a má magisterský titul na Ekonomické univerzitě v Bratislavě.


Miroslav Barnas

is the Chief Investment Officer at ARETE for our real estate strategy. He set up the investment management team and oversees deal sourcing, investment management and execution for the ARETE INDUSTRIAL FUND.

With over 20 years of professional track record in commercial and residential real estate, Miroslav is a seasoned executive with experience in advising corporate clients and private individuals on investment, valuation, leasing, negotiations, construction, and facility management of commercial properties in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Miroslav has led major transactions exceeding €1 billion. His leadership roles include CEO and Head of Capital Markets at Jones Lang LaSalle.

Miroslav is an MRICS professional and holds a Master’s degree from the University of Economics in Bratislava.

Alica Koblovska

Serves as the Chief Legal Officer at ARETE, bringing over a decade of extensive legal expertise in corporate finance, M&A, and compliance. She oversees the entire legal agenda of ARETE and acts as a key strategic advisor, overseeing compliance for our complex fund structures.

Alica has held significant legal roles, including the position of General Counsel at Bakala Capital, where she managed legal affairs for Zdenek Bakala, a leading family office. Before this, she worked as a layer with Kocian Solc Balastik in Prague.

Alica holds a Master’s degree in Law from Masaryk University in Brno with international exposure at Paul Cezanne University.


Jiri Krol

A supervisory board member, with over 20 years of experience in managing international financial institutions.

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      Martin Konečný

      Působí jako finanční ředitel společnosti, přináší robustní zázemí v oblasti financí a ekonomiky a má rozsáhlé mezinárodní zkušenosti. Martin je ve společnosti ARETE zodpovědný za reporting a controlling na korporátní a fondové úrovni pro všechny subjekty v České republice, Polsku a na Slovensku.

      Martin má více než 30 let zkušeností a prokazatelnou historii v oblasti podnikových financí, operací, fúzí a akvizic a správy portfolia. Před nástupem do ARETE působil Martin jako Group Head of Risks and Operations ve společnosti P3 Logistics Parks, manažer investic do logistických nemovitostí s více než 3 miliardami AuM. Jeho kariéra zahrnuje 4 roky jako Country CFO v Citi Česká republika a 15 let v KPMG, kde dohlíží na audity a šetření shody.

      Martin je držitelem magisterského titulu v oboru ekonomie, financí a obchodu na Vysoké škole ekonomické a obchodní v Praze a Executive MBA na University of Bristol.


      Martin Pacovský

      Je Chief Investment Officer ve společnosti ARETE pro naši strategii energetického přechodu, s rozsáhlými zkušenostmi se správou a rozvojem energetických aktiv se zaměřením na prosazování uhlíkově neutrálních strategií. Martin se silnými zkušenostmi ve strategickém plánování a expanzi na mezinárodním trhu úspěšně vedl organizace komplexními procesy M&A, včetně vedení Pražské plynárenské a.s. přes energetickou krizi v roce 2022 jako předseda představenstva. Jeho odborné znalosti zahrnují řízení rizik a zapojení zainteresovaných stran.

      Martin dříve zastával vedoucí pozice ve Skupině ČEZ, kde se významně podílel na projektech obnovitelných zdrojů energie a mezinárodním růstu, například dohlížel na výstavbu největší rumunské pobřežní větrné farmy.

      Martin získal titul MSc na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze a titul MBA na Rochester Institute of Technology.

      Lubor Svoboda

      Lubor has 25 years of experience leading real estate and private equity companies as a CEO, managing successful business transactions and legal restructurings in financial and highly regulated environments. Over the past ten years, Lubor has focused on fund management and strategic planning. He holds a Master’s degree in Law from Masaryk University in Brno and an MBA from the Prague International Business School.


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